Helping ease your loved one's fatigue due to cancer or as a side-effect of his medications and/or chemotherapy and radiation therapy treatments can be done in the comfort of your own home. Aside from following his doctor's indications and monitoring the medications prescribed to him for addressing fatigue, you can also try any of these helpful options:
- Undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy necessitates that he gets more rest than usual. This can be easily obtained by just sleeping more, with or without making any change in his typical daily routine. Since he is likely to become more fatigued if undergoing aggressive treatment or upon reaching its end, he may spend more time sleeping.
- Make the needed improvements in his diet to help him become more energized. At best, he should cut back or avoid caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol; all of which would only aggravate his fatigue. Also, make sure that he eats all the needed meals for the day, especially breakfast.
- Try having him break the cycle of fatigue by acquiring a more active lifestyle spent doing moderated, enjoyable activities with friends, and cutting back on screen time—time spent watching TV, playing games, or browsing the net.
Contributed By: Maris Modesto